Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Wednesday, November 24th

 Hello Weckie Families! 

Let me begin by saying: Happy (early) Thanksgiving!! I have so much to be thankful for this year with this group of kids... I just love 'em!! We have really been doing awesome work this year while having fun and growing together. Our routines are down, partnerships are working like fine tuned machines and it is simply a delight to be apart of this classroom family! I hope that you take some time this weekend with your child to find out all of the things that they are thankful for. They have been loving all of the Thanksgiving projects the last week and getting a chance to express all that they are thankful for in their lives. I also hope you found the turkey recipe book comical but not in the least bit helpful! Please do NOT use those recipes ;-). But we sure did enjoy writing them. We happened to be working on them the day when the Cabinet team from the ESC came. It was pretty funny to hear the kids ask Mr. Gutman, Mr. Lonze, Mrs. Kochanski and Mrs. Moore all about turkey prep and what they might suggest the kids add or not add to their recipes! Lots of laughter for sure.

Readers' Workshop

We continue to work through a unit on solving tricky words. We have spent time doing slow checks, triple checks, breaking words up into familiar word parts, finding words within new words and more! Reading groups are picking up steam as all students are now a part of a reading group. Please make sure to keep the reading group books in your child's baggie that was provided so that books are not lost and are always available in their backpack for school instruction time. You may have also noticed word cards in their bag. If that's the case, those are high frequency words I will be working with them on in their group but are specific to their individual needs. You can use these to practice reading them, finding those words in their books, and then to practice writing and spelling them correctly! Their card pile will continue to grow as old words are mastered and new words are added!

Writers' Workshop/Science

Our Writers' Workshop is overlapping still with our science kits. We are becoming experts on plants and experts on writing lab reports! We currently have three lab reports in the works that answer the following three questions:

  • What do plants need to grow?
  • Can a seed grow without soil?
  • What happens if you cut grass and alfalfa? Will they grow back?
In the next few weeks we will take our plant clippings that have been chilling in cups of water, growing roots, and plant them in soil as we attempt to create new plants from old plants! We call this process propagation!

Math Workshop
In Math we are deep in the work of subtraction. We have been learning many different strategies for solving subtraction. Strategies we have covered so far include:
  • counting up
  • counting back
  • counting back through 10
  • using doubles to subtract
  • the -0 strategy for subtraction
  • the -1 strategy for subtraction
  • using fact families to subtract
The fantastic part here is that all and any strategy is encouraged and you'll see, each child tends to pick their favorite to use and help them to subtract. We also learned to play two new games, "Subtraction Top-It" and "Salute!". Both games help to work with subtraction skills and missing addends. Thank you to all who are completing the home links. I try to get them back to you in a timely manner so that you can see how your child is doing with our math concepts.

Parent - Teacher Conferences - Thursday, December 9th - 12:00- 
Now is the time to sign up on Skyward for PTC! Please know hat they will be virtual this year and a Zoom code will be sent the day prior so that you can attend your conference time from any location! I do believe the sign-up closes on December 1st, so please make sure to sign up ASAP.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Friday, November 12th


Good afternoon Weckie Families!

It has been another fantastic couple of weeks in Second Grade and it's hard to believe we are already two weeks in to November! We have really come together as a class family and it has been a pleasure to be here daily with your kids. I love seeing them work together in math stations, work in partnerships to read or solve a tricky math problem and brainstorm solutions in our Second Step SEL work for showing empathy and reading other people's feelings. As we move into this "thankful" time of year, we have SO much to be thankful for in 204.

Readers' Workshop

In Readers' Workshop we have moved onto a unit that focuses in on solving tricky words in our reading! There are so many different strategies that we teach to help all children learn to solve tricky words in the way that works best for them. We have been slowly working through the strategies of: breaking words apart, doing a slow check (stretching out each sound), and doing a triple check (does it look/sound/feel right) using the "Ice Cream" story from the book Frog and Toad All Year by Arnold Lobel. We have had time to practice these strategies in our own reading by marking places where we tried a strategy and then sharing our work with our partners to see if we tackled the tricky word correctly! We have also spent more time talking about the work of partnerships: the different ways you can read together, the different types of conversations you can have before reading a new book and the different kinds of conversations you can have during and after you read a book together.

Guided Reading groups have continued for students on who have qualified for an IRIP. Right now this encompasses about half of our class. Students who are not on these plans have been guided in the classroom for selecting just-right books and will begin receiving instruction on Monday as I work to finalize groupings. Individual reading assessments are important and time consuming. With all of the interruptions we have had this year with holidays and new school days, this has made taking time out for testing a bit trickier, but not impossible. Thank you for understanding! As books begin to come home, it is safe to simply keep them in your child's book bag and remove them each night to read. If something comes up on their designated date where I cannot pull them, it is likely I would pull them the next day as time allows.

Additionally, the kids brought home information this week about our Digital Literacy Library that they can now begin using at home. Literacy Footprints is a wealth of online books that have been set to the just-right reading level of your child. I have taken feedback from first grade as well as their most recent iReady reading data to make these book assignments. Please know that some may seem simple and this is to continually help build confidence and reading fluency. As I work with them in groups and see growth, these levels will continue to be adjusted. This is a great way to continue reading just-right books at home with your child and also to see what they are reading and how they are reading! Each child received their log-in information as well as a class username in their folders this week. Please hang onto this information for home!

Writers' Workshop/Science

Our Writers' Workshop and Science are intertwined these days! Our writing unit is all about learning to write non-fiction in the form of lab reports and our Science Kits work perfect for exploration through a lab report! So far we have generated two lab reports. One asks the question: What does a plant need to grow? The second lab report asks: Can a seed grow without soil? And the third lab report is upcoming, so I hate to ruin the surprise just yet! We have been growing Brassica in a mini-greenhouse, wheat seeds in straws (yes, you read that right) and now grass and alfalfa together in mini pots. Our scientists are absolutely LOVING this combined unit! We have been learning to generate questions, write hypotheses, and list off materials needing and write the procedures we have followed for our experiments. We have been taking detailed observations as well as all of our plants begin to sprout and grow!

Math Workshop

In Math we are ALLLLL about fact families! We have spent a great deal of time looking at fact families and using fact triangles as well as dominoes to practice these families. Fact Family triangle cards have come home in the 3.3 Homelink for you to keep at home and use to practice addition and subtraction. You simply add the two bottom numbers to equal the top number, or subtract one bottom number from the top to get the other bottom number. So a triangle with 3, 4 and 7 shows the fact family of: 3 + 4 = 7,  4 + 3 = 7, 7 - 3 = 4 and 7 - 4 = 3. Please keep these fact triangles at home.

Unit 2 Assessments came home this week with all students. There was SO much great learning and growth shown on these unit check ins! The Unit 2 Assessment specifically covered topics we learned about in the unit. The Unit 2 Cumulative Assessment covered topics we have been learning and building on since Kindergarten, many are foundational math skills. 


In Phonics we have been spending a TON of time working on SNAP words the last two weeks! Magnetic letters, letter tiles, Magna-Doodles, and whiteboards have been some of the tools we have used to practice SNAP words from first grade and SNAP words from second grade. We have played fun games like Bingo twice with the SNAP words from iReady as well as countless games of "Sparkle" where we work together as a team to learn to spell these words. It has been a challenge of mine to get the kids to use the tools we give them: word wall and SNAP word books when doing their writing so that they can practice spelling words correctly that are given to them!