Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Day Info

Hello 301 Parents!!

 I hope everyone enjoyed our first day OFF this school year!! It was definitely a surprise to me this morning, as I was on my way to Dublin when the fan out called from Dublin. I had a note that was going to go home with the kids today reminding everyone about our schedule for the day on Friday.

 All students should BRING their costumes to school for our party but come to school in regular clothes. If you have not sent in your $3 yet for the party, please do so tomorrow as well.

 From about 9:20-10:00am we will be in the Old Gym for a Magician Assembly. The rest of our morning will look as usual, and if possible, please have Nolan still bring in his snack and show-and-tell tomorrow for our Snack Leader. If you are not able, we do have a pretty good stash of leftovers! :-) The rest of our morning and lunch will look pretty normal (we have a lot of Halloween projects to finish up).

At 1:20pm the kids will come inside from recess and have a short bathroom and drink break. At 1:30 the kids will go to Art for a shortened 30 minute period. At 1:30pm it will be safe for parents who are helping with the party to come in and start setting up. At 2:00pm the kids will return to the room and ALL will be putting on their costumes. We are conveniently located right next to the restrooms, so that will help, but I anticipate they will be busy! If your child has a costume that needs extra attention, please plan on being at school around 2:00pm. At 2:30pm the Parade begins throughout the entire school. Our hallway is the last to join the parade route (that way we get to see everyone's costumes) and we will travel from our classroom down the main hallway towards the bus doors. We will come out of Dublin, and cross the street by the Nursing Home. Then we come back to school via the soccer fields and parade around the field. It is advised that all parents wait on the black-top to get photos, videos, etc. as we cross by the blacktop last.

We anticipate being back in our classroom around 3:00pm. Before we start the party, the kids of 301 have a special "something" to show! Then it'll be time to party!

If this is your first Halloween at Dublin there are a few things you will want to know! 1) Parking will be CRAZY. I would suggest coming to school early or plan on walking from the nearby neighborhood to the school. 2) There will be lots of commotion prior to the parade. If you plan on bringing little ones, just know that it will be BUSY. 3) If for some reason the weather is uncooperative, the Parade will still happen, but it will be led throughout the building.

I hope that helps clarify EVERYTHING! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me back, give the room a call tomorrow or stop by in the morning.

We're looking forward to an AWESOME day in 301!! :-) Jen

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Friday, October 22nd

It has been a FANTASTIC week in Room 301! The great news is…. The Smartboard is up and running!! YES, our kids have all used the board and they are LOVING it! I’m pretty sure many of our parents have used the board too! We are able to do our attendance in the morning on the board as well as our daily calendar. We have done several math lessons with patterns on the board as well. It is incredible to see how engaging this tool is and how excited it has made our students about learning. Feel free to come watch attendance in the morning or check it out at the end of the day! We would not have this board without a very generous grant approval from Walled Lake Schools’ Foundation for Excellence.

Reader’s Workshop: This week students worked on their “Bb” and “Cc” books! We have been practicing reading these books fluently with and without the pictures to help us. These books will be coming home with your child today. Your child also brought home a silver or gold box today! These special boxes are for your reader to use to keep their little books in at home. Please pick a special place with them to keep this box so that it stays safe and in one piece.

Writer’s Workshop: This week in Writer’s Workshop students began adding color to their labeled illustrations. They are using the color to show emotions, details and more about their story. By adding color, we are helping the students to expand orally when they talk about their illustrations. Next week we will be doing our Developmental Writing Assessment (DWA), where each child will be given a prompt to illustrate a story about and be asked to write letters or words to tell their short story. I am eager to see what they can come up with.

Math: This week in math we have completed Number 9 in our counting and shapes book. We also spent time working with all sorts of patterns (check out the photo slide show to see us in action on Wednesday). Our mathematicians had time to explore with patterns on the Smartboard as well as with manipulatives at their seats. You should point out patterns in your house or out and about with your child, so they see that we are surrounded by patterns. We looked for patterns in our room and found a whole bunch!

Snack Leaders: Monday: Mason B; Tuesday: Evan C; Wednesday: Alycia Y; Thursay: Nolan C.
Top Dog: Emma K.

NEXT FRIDAY… Next Friday is a BIG deal in Kindergarten and across ALL of Dublin! We will have a magician assembly in the morning to begin our Halloween Day. In the afternoon our parents who have graciously volunteered to help with the party, will be meeting in our classroom around 1:30pm to start setting up. At 2:00pm ALL of our kids will be putting on their costumes. If your child has a complicated costume, please plan on coming in to help! At 2:30pm there is a school-wide parade! Kindergarten tends to lead the parade that travels through the building, out the doors by the bus loop, across the street to the Nursing Home and back to Dublin (around the soccer field) and onto the blacktop of the playground. Parents and extended families can come and watch the parade outdoors on the blacktop. It is advised that you come to Dublin early, as the parking lot will be VERY busy all day long. After the parade, around 2:45 or so, we will begin our classroom party. Our students have been working on a surprise to kick off our celebration! Our party will run from approximately 2:45-3:45pm.

If you have any questions about Friday, please feel free to contact me!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend! Jen W.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday, October 15th

What a fantastic week we have had in Kindergarten!! Each day has been busy with something new…

Reader’s Workshop: This week we continued working with partners to read books! Students created their “Bb” books and have been practicing reading with their partners. We have also been reading a new big book, Mrs. Wishy Washy. Next Friday we will be decorating our little book boxes that the kids will be bringing home. If you can send in any donations of stickers or adhesive foam shapes that would be great! :-)

 Writer’s Workshop: Stories, stories and more stories! In Writer’s Workshop we have been writing stories by drawing pictures and adding labels to the important parts. Our writers’ have shown great improvements in their drawing and even began adding color to their drawings today to show more details of their story.

Math: In math this week we talked about patterns! We took a look at patterns we can make with counters, wooden beads and chain links that snap together. We continued working on our shape counting books too! This week we covered the numbers six, seven and eight! We are hoping to have these books done and home in the next week.

Science: This week we began our Science Unit! We talked about trees, seeds, and tree parts (roots, trunk, branches and leaves). On Tuesday we even planted a REAL maple tree! Be sure to ask your child about Mr. Maple! A special thank you to our two Dad’s who just happened to be helping in our room that day (they ended up digging us a giant hole and lifting the new Dublin kindergarten tree into the hole)!

Classroom Blog: Today you are reading our newsletter on the “News Blog”. We also have a “Kids Blog”. This week we went to the computer lab to type our first Blog article. Our little Bloggers were very excited to learn that they have their own Web Site where we will visit and post all kinds of neat things! You can visit the blog at: .

**SmartBoard Update!! Yes, we are still waiting for an installation. There has been a problem with the mount that was delivered with the board. If we use the mount that was delivered, we would need to have our old white board removed from the wall. This poses a major problem. We are looking for an alternate way to mount the board as soon as possible with the minimal amount of damage!

Snack Leaders! Monday - Matthew, Tuesday - Kelsey, Thursday - Kaylee
Have a fantastic weekend!!! And by the way… GO GREEN!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Friday, October 8th

"The truck was the BEST part of the assembly. They even turned on their hose!" Anonymous 301 Kindergartner

It’s been a fabulous  week here in Room 301! Our kids have been busy learning all about fire safety as it was Fire Prevention Week at Dublin. We had our first assembly on Thursday with the White Lake Fire Department. They talked to the kids about the importance of “Stop, Drop and Roll” as well as having a plan in your house for what to do if you wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of a fire alarm. This would be a great time to review your plan with your child at home.

Reader’s Workshop: This week in Workshop we spent time with a new little book, “A Fireman”. We practiced reading this book on sentence strips, as a whole group and in the little books many times! An important part of Reader’s Workshop is the Independent Reading time. While many of our kids cannot fully “read” just yet, they are getting better and better at the routine. Our kids’ ability to recognize words in the little books is getting more and more frequent and they are starting to notice letters, sounds and how we blend the sounds together to make words. Our focus word this week was “the”.

Writer’s Workshop: In Writer’s Workshop we are working on adding words to the drawings we have created the past couple of weeks. By creating a drawing to represent stories, each child has now added labels onto important parts of their illustrations. Be sure to ask your child what they have been drawings on their pages for Writer’s Workshop.

Math: In Math we have been playing with numbers! We have been counting objects, counting on the calendar, counting on the hundreds chart and even counting the number of holes in buttons! We have read a couple of stories that have involved counting including: Ten Black Dots and Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. With the Five Little Monkeys book we even learned the song and had volunteers act out the parts of the monkeys with monkey stuffed animals, the mom had a phone and the doctor had a stethoscope of course!

Science: We also began talking about our upcoming Science kit this week! Our kit will teach us about plants and trees. In a few weeks we will even be planting a maple tree as a grade level at Dublin! Look for our new tree, Mr. Maple, to be outside by the bus driveway soon. We began talking about trees by reading Eric Carle’s Tiny Little Seed book. We talked about the voyage the little seed made before becoming a large flower! Students worked on a painting project this week were they used their hands and fingerprints to create the fall colors of an autumn tree!

Important News: Snack Leader’s next week include: Monday – Thomas; Tuesday – Lily; Wednesday – Ben; Thursday – Kasey

Next Week’s Top Dog is…  (to be determined in class on Friday!)

A big THANK YOU to all that came out to help with the Dublin Fun Run on Friday! Look for pictures to be posted to the blog soon! :-) 

We took this picture after we received a gift of new books from Mrs. Weckstein's Grandparents!!!