Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday, October 26th

It’s been another fun-filled week in Second Grade! You can feel a definite buzz in the air as anticipation builds for Halloween next week! Mix that with these summer-like temperatures and the energy is high amongst our kiddoes.

Reader’s Workshop
In Workshop this week our Readers’ learned about noise levels that are good for all readers. We talked about and modeled “library” voices emphasizing that different times in Reader’s Workshop call for different noise levels (independent reading vs. partner reading vs. whole group share vs. reading groups! Then we spent time talking about ways to give kind reminders for noisy or distracting behaviors. Next we moved onto learning about Reading Conferences. Similar to the conferences we have been having in Writer’s Workshop, students learned about my expectations for Conference Time when I am working with them as well as what they need to do when I am not working with them.

Writer’s Workshop
In our Poetry Unit this week we continued looking at different literary elements of poetry by learning about onomatopoeia’s (ask your writer what that means). Then we reviewed using sensory features to add detail to our poetry. It’s been great to see all of the progress our writers’ have made with their poetry. Share Time is a hot-ticket time in our classroom as they ALL want to share their work. There’s nothing better than seeing enthusiasm and pride in a child’s eye!

Math Workshop
This week in Math Workshop we have done a multitude of things! Each child made their own clock and we have spent a lot of time reviewing the different between the minute and the hour hand, practiced making specific times and then practiced figuring out the times on our clocks. Having a handheld clock that each child can use helps tremendously as they can use the clock to manipulate and count the minutes! We also did a fun data project this week counting the number of pockets on our clothing. We counted our pockets and then found the median (middle value) of our set of data. For our class, the median number was 4 pockets. While some students had no pockets, one in our class had eight pockets! We used the end of the week to review for our upcoming Math Benchmark on Monday! Please make sure you are reviewing the Study Guide packet WITH your child!!

We spent a lot of time this week reviewing for our upcoming Benchmark Assessment up on the big screen, on white boards, at the easel... You name the resource, we used it!

Word Study
In  Word Study this week we began the week by making connections between familiar words and new words by using the beginning of a word. For instance, if you know the word stop, you can take the “st” from stop and figure out many other words that start with “st”. Students completed “word ladders” using different similar beginning consonants and consonant clusters. Next we did a sort using consonants and consonant clusters. We talked about how as a reader, you should hear/pronounce every letter in a consonant cluster. Last we played a “Lotto” game using words with a “vowel + r” pattern.

We also continued working on Word Wall work stations this week, practicing our "No-Excuse" words in fun and exciting ways!

 Social Studies
Maps, maps and more maps!! Our students have been introduced to SEVERAL different types and uses for maps this week. We did map stations where our students got to explore with a variety of different types of maps from several locations across the country. We explored globes and noticed when they showed “relief” (also known as land elevation). We talked about the features of a map (compass rose, key, symbols, colors, labels) and we wrote about the many different uses of maps. We also watched a short video that helped to show different uses of maps in real life. Everyone is VERY excited about the new map station in our classroom and the option to “read” maps during extra time that they may have.

 Our Special Guest...
If you didn't hear, we had a special guest in 204 this week... Spike the Praying Mantis came all the way from Mrs. Weckstein's house in Novi to spend the day in our classroom. We made him a habitat, learned facts about the praying mantis and even got to name him! He was very well behaved except for a minor incident with Mrs. W's finger! (Good news, no blood!) This is a picture the following morning after he was released... he seems to like Mrs. Weckstein's house!
This week we started rotations for our 2 iPads and 4 iPod Touch! The Weckies were eager to explore new math, reading and writing games on the equipment with a partner or independently!

Important Dates/Reminders:
-Monday, October 29th-  Quarter 1 Math Benchmark
-Wednesday, October 31st – Halloween Parade @ 2:30pm followed by our classroom party at approximately 3:00pm.
Have a fantastic, fall-like weekend! After the mild weather this past week, I think we’re all going to be bundled up this weekend!  :-) Mrs. Weckstein

Monday, October 22, 2012

Friday, October 19th

It’s been another FABULOUS week to be a Weckie!! We ended the week on a high note with a Pizza Party thanks to our fantastic PTA. As the class with the highest participation in the Fun Run donations, we were treated to pizza and candy for lunch on Friday. A special thank you to Windmill Market on Cooley Lake for donating the pizzas! Another special thank you to Carly’s Mom, Joyce, for providing us with drinks and cookies to go along with our special lunch on short notice!


Math Workshop
We ended Unit 2 this week and finished our unit test.  Throughout the week we continued work on function boxes and practiced subtraction using number grids as tools to help us find differences between numbers.  We also worked on the subtraction shortcut of 8 and 9.  Students learned that if they can easily subtract 10 from a number they can subtract 8 or 9 by adding 1 or 2 back on.  For instance if they know that 28-10 = 18, then 28-8 =18+2 more which is 20.   Towards the end of the week we started work on place value.  It is crucial that your child understand this concept, as it is the base for future math learning. 

 We hope you’re using the practice packet sent home with your child on Friday to help prepare for their first Math Benchmark Assessment on Monday, October 29th.  Additionally, I am currently grading journal pages so that they too can be sent home to use as preparation for the benchmark.  On a side note, please know that when possible I check math pages immediately to help my students’ correct errors and clarify misunderstandings.  Often you’ll see a response circled that your child already corrected in class with me during a quick conference.  When you see this, please try to give a new problem with the same concept to be sure s/he understands it.  Your support will truly make a difference for your child’s learning.

 Word Study
Our Word Study this week focused on past tense endings and syllables.  Students were listening to the word endings of past tense words and noticing that though they sound different, they do all end with ed (though they may not always need to add an e).  Our syllable work was connected to our reading and writing.  I’m emphasizing the fact that breaking words into syllables will help students read and write longer words.  I gave several reminders of this during writer’s workshop to encourage better spelling.

 Reader’s Workshop
Reader’s continued work with finding just right books with reminders to use that “Five Finger Rule”.  They also learned to put these books away properly on our shopping day.  Next, we worked on skills to build good reading partnerships.  Students practiced what a good partnership looks like and more so what is sounds like.  We introduced different ways to read with a partner such as “echo”, “choral” or
“round robin” reading.  Partners are also learning how to have book discussions with each other.  Ask your child what she and her partner talk about.

*Please make sure that guided reading group bags are being returned in a timely manner. Even if I am out, I do make it a point to try to see reading groups the following day and ask for your help in making sure your child’s forms are signed after they read to you.

 Writer's Workshop
We have continued to work on poetry this week.  Children are beginning to identify components of poetry such as line breaks and word choice.  For many it is difficult to switch from writing stories.  We took several students’ poems and rewrote them to look more like poems.  This week we looked at how poets use alliteration (writing a sentence with words beginning with the same letter.  For instance I wrote about my comfy, cozy shoe that was not so colorful.  Students are exposed to books or poems using these techniques. They learned about nouns and adjectives and how to use them to jazz up their writing.  

 *Memory Collection Notebooks – thanks to ALL who have already sent back their photo and card for their notebook. If you have not done so, please do this ASAP. I am also asking for a call for artifacts. Our kids need things to write about. Please start sending in (labeled with their name) items like ticket stubs, photos, or other small items that can easily be glued into a notebook! We need things to write about and these artifacts are perfect story starters.

 Social Studies:
Our focus this week was on communities.  We took an in-depth look into rural, urban and suburban communities. We spent time creating posters about which community we would choose to live in if we could move anywhere. We talked about a community being a place where a group of people work, play and live. Ask your child which community they chose – and where they would work, play and live in that community! We will take a brief unit test next week! We spent time reviewing for this on Thursday.

Important News/Reminders
· Monday, October 29th - Math Benchmark Assessment

· Wednesday, October 31th – The Halloween parade starts at 2:30 and the party will follow.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday, October 12

The weather was perfect for our Fun Run last Friday afteroon! The sun was out and we had some wonderful parents cheering us on! Everyone was pumped up and excited to move their feet around the track. Thank you for all your Fun Run donations! Look for some Fun Run pictures and video on our blog in the near future. On an exciting note, we were the second grade class that had the most donations and won a PIZZA PARTY for Friday, October 19th!!

 Math Workshop
We are nearing the end of Unit 2. This week our mathematicians practiced making fact families using dominoes and fact triangles. A set of fact triangles came home with your child earlier this week. Please make sure that you keep them in a special place and practice them with your child. We spent significant time on frames-and-arrows, addition and subtraction number stories, function machines and some counting strategies for subtraction. Students also learned a new math game called Name That Number. A practice packet came home with your child on Friday to help prepare for their first Math Benchmark Assessment on Monday, October 29th. Please make sure you are completing the study guide at home.

Word Study
In Word Study this week we have taken a look at forming possessives in words. Second graders learned that to show ownership of something, you add ‘s to a word. Then we worked with words with double consonants. Students worked on identifying two-syllable words with double consonants in the middle (lad/der, muf/fin). Children sorted word parts to create their own two-syllable words! Last, we learned about forming past tense in words by adding –ed or –d to the end of words.

Reader’s Workshop
In Reader’s Workshop this week, each child set reading goals for themselves. Time was spent talking with each child about their goal and the importance of setting goals for their reading. Ask your child the two reading goals that they set for themselves.  Each marking period, your child will set two new reading goals.  Students also went book shopping for the first time. While doing our shopping, we stopped to talk about how to pick “just right” books when browsing books. We talked about how everyone has a book that fits perfectly to their needs as a reader and likened it to having a pair of shoes that fits you perfectly.  Ava and Mrs. Brown tried on each other’s shoes to demonstrate.  Needless to say…Ava’s shoes weren’t “just right” for Mrs. Brown!  We talked about talked about being able to abandon books that are too easy or too hard for us.They also learned about the “FIVE FINGER RULE” and how to choose their books carefully.  Please ask your child to demonstrate the “FIVE FINGER RULE” at home.

Writer's Workshop
This week as writer’s we spent more time with our mentor text, Owl Moon. After familiarizing ourselves with the language in the story (similes, onomatopoeias, alliteration and repetitive language) we pulled out phrases from the piece that appeared to contain poetic language. As a class we took these individual phrases and put them up on sentence strips. We then spent time creating a poem as a whole class that re-arranged the phrases from the text as well as created a new mini-story.  Next, our poets spent time with partners taking the sentence strips of phrases and playing once more with the order to create their very own poems.  Students also became “juicy word” detectives as they listened to and read stories. One example was when they listened to the story, Pumpkin Eye. They learned about nouns and adjectives and how to use them to jazz up their writing. We learned how to write list poems and wrote a list poem together as class entitles “Fabulous Fall”. They also tried adding similes to their own poetry.

Social Studies:
This week was spent focused on “Needs and Wants”. We talked about the definitions of each word, read the book, But I Want It, and created a giant list of needs and wants. We spent time looking specifically at our needs as the four main things we need to survive: food, water, shelter and clothing.

Important News/Reminders
· Friday, October 12th – Memory Collection Notebook photos and index cards DUE !  If you haven’t returned it to school, please do so ASAP.
· Monday, October 29th - Math Benchmark Assessment

· Wednesday, October 31th – The Halloween parade starts at 2:30 and the party will follow.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Friday, October 5th

Hello 2nd Grade Families!
It has been another fantastic week in 2nd grade!! As the seasons have changed, please make sure to dress your child appropriately for school. I know I have mentioned this before, but many are still coming without coats or in proper clothing. The building can be cold and we do not have complete control of the temperature in our classroom.

Our daily reporters began this week and we enjoyed hearing from our first five reporters! Here's a look at the cool Science Reporter than John did this week on the Scarab Beetle. Let's just say that all of the Weckies now understand what a "dung" beetle is and boy did we have a good laugh first thing Wednesday morning!

As a bonus this week, we spent time playing a fun game up on the SmartBoard called "Kooky Carnival". This reading comprehension game helps to not only build team-building skills, but students understanding of reading a passage and answering a question about it's meaning or a missing word from within the text. The Weckies LOVED playing the game this week!

The Pink Team was our victorious team!

Reader’s Workshop
In Workshop this week we spent time working on our Reading Logs. We are learning that as “Wow” readers, we should be spending time keeping track of the books that we read in our Independent Reading Logs. As the week progressed we took a look at learning about the reading styles of other people. Each child was asked to interview someone at home about their reading habits: favorite place to read, favorite book, favorite reading memory, etc. It was great to hear the kids share all of the awesome advice they got as young readers from the pool of people we interviewed! Now that reading assessments are complete, I am anticipating starting guided reading groups in the next few days! Look for book bags to come home and please pay attention to the group schedule that will be in your child’s bag.

Writer’s Workshop
This week we began our Poetry Unit in Writer’s Workshop. Moving away from our launch unit, our students spent time being immersed in books filled with wonderful poetry. Students worked with partners to look for similes in poetry. Mentor texts were abundant this week including: Crazy Like a Fox, My Many Colored World, Owl Moon and more! We love beginning the year with Poetry so that all writers’ have a chance to experiment with words, sentence structure and not a lot of literary rules!

Math Workshop
In Math this week our students spent time gathering different strategies for addition and subtraction using their doubles facts as a guide. We taught our students a chant that can help them to remember their doubles facts to the tune of “The Ants Go Marching”. Once we had our doubles facts, we were able to learn the +9 strategy for addition. Put simply, if you can easily add 10 to any number, you can add 9 just as easy. Add 10 to the number and take away one. We also spent time with turn-around facts. Turn-around facts for addition is a reminder that 4 + 6 has the same sum at 6 + 4.  Next we spent working on subtraction strategies: comparision and change to less strategies. Each strategy uses a visual to help show subtraction. Look for information on these strategies on Home Links that come home with your child! To end the week we worked on our Unit 2 Math Explorations. Students got to experiment with: pan balances, spring scales, dots on dominoes (looking for odds and evens) and play math games on the iPads and SmartBoard.

Social Studies
To continue our look into “Our Community”, we took a look at the region in which we live and zoomed out to see how our house is in a neighborhood, our neighborhood is in a city, our city is in a state and our state is in a country. We read the book Me on the Map to help create the visual of a “bullseye” featuring each region in the bigger picture as a bigger ring zooming out from ourselves in the center. Next we discussed “needs” and “wants”. We spent time learning that “wants” are simply things we “want” to have but do not “need” to live. We then learned about “needs” as things we “need” to survive (shelter, food, water and clothing). We brainstormed needs and wants and spent time talking about how our needs and wants can be met in our community.

Word Study
In Word Study this week we did several things. We spent time working with high-frequency words for October and played a LOTTO game.  Our students learned about synonyms this week (words that mean about the same thing) and had an opportunity to play a concentration game with a partner to practice their understanding of synonyms.

Important Dates and Reminders:
We have sent information home about a class directory. Please consider participating in this option to help your child to arrange social activities with their classmates. It is important that we ask you once more not to pass out birthday invitations at school. We have had to stop several parents in the hallway as of late and can only distribute invitations if everyone in the classroom is invited. While we get that you are being “secretive” by putting them in backpacks, we are the ones responsible for dealing with hurt feelings when students find them in their backpacks, dig them out and share their enthusiasm with peers who may not have been invited. Thank you so much for your help with this matter!

-Friday, October 12th: Fun Run @ Dublin – We run at 1:30-1:45pm on the soccer field. All are invited to come and cheer us on! Please make sure to check the weather and dress your child appropriately.

We hope you have a fabulous weekend – and stay warm! :-) Mrs. Weckstein