Friday, September 23, 2016

Friday, September 23, 2016

Wow! Can you believe we just finished Week 3 of Kindergarten?

We have been having the BEST time EVER in Kindergarten this year!! I am loving getting to know each child's unique personality, watching new friendships form, leaders emerge, shy students coming out of shells and spending my days with your kids. This is a high-energy, high-curiosity group of Weckies and they are AWESOME!!

Thank you to everyone who came to Curriculum Night. We were excited by the great turn out and hope you enjoyed learning all about what we will be teaching your child this year at Dublin! Notes from Curriculum Night have been sent out electronically (like the classroom sign up) and in paper form, the little Remind 101 card as well as our Classroom Routines (on day 1). Thank you to everyone who has signed up for Remind 101. If you have not done so yet, you can simply send a text to 81010 and text the message @weckie and you'll be all set! We do use this handy service frequently in Kindergarten so you will want to make sure you are signed up to get reminders and news from our classroom.

Reader's Workshop
We have excitedly launched our Reader's Workshop over the course of the past two weeks. We began by talking about stamina, how long we can do something and have built our classroom stamina for independent reading from 3 minutes all the way to 8 minutes today. This includes reading text, finding letters we know in our books, examining the pictures, etc. We have learned how to be "Respectful Readers" and how to "Get Ready to Read"! We have spent time reading books about reading like: Read All About It, A Bear Ate It!, Wild About Books, The Best Place to Read and more to come! We are eager to be readers! The kids were excited to get their first sight word book as we focused on the word: see. Each week in Workshop we will focus on a new word, teaching many basic sight words. We read a book about the sight word, write a poem and do several hands on activities throughout the week to re-emphasize the sounds and spelling of the word. We will probably keep our familiar books from home at school a couple more weeks.

Writer's Workshop
We have also launched our Writer's Workshop this week! Daily we work on letter formation on white boards with dry erase markers after lunch. Now we are working on our launch unit with the motto: Think, Draw, Write! The kids are thinking about a story they want to tell on paper (typically a true story), drawing a picture and then if able, writing a letter or a few words about the picture. Over the course of the unit we will talk about Writing Stamina, talk about different kinds of writing paper and tools, talk about Writer Respect and how to stretch out our stories across more pages! This group of kids is very excited about telling their stories - it's wonderful in our room during Writer's Workshop!

Math Workshop
We have launched our Math Workshop this week with lots of COUNTING activities, books, games, songs, raps and more!! We have been reading books about counting, practiced counting objects, built puzzles that involve counting numbers and more. The first unit took us on a Number Walk through Dublin where we recorded the numbers we found all around Dublin - it was great! We even made it all the way up to fifth grade to find numbers and visited our secretaries in the office for more numbers. Next week a Math Homelink packet will come home. I know there is GREAT debate about homework in schools and what the research says and I'll be honest, I'm very torn! This being said, when HomeLinks come home please know that they are optional. They will reinforce the lessons we have done in school and can make for some fun family games at home. You can send them back with descriptions of what you did in each activity and I'm glad to read through, make comments and compliments, etc. but they are not mandatory or required to be completed.

Important Date:

It's PICTURE DAY on Monday and we have the very first time slot!! Our picture time is 9:15am. If you plan to order, please complete your order form and make sure to send it with your child first thing on Monday morning. Thank you so much :-).

More fun in 204...

Friday, September 9, 2016

Friday, September 9, 2016

Hello Weckie Families!!

 What a most AWESOME first week of Kindergarten we have been having! Sticking to our teamwork theme of Dublin, Team 204, is just the best! We have been learning so much this week and spending a lot of time getting to know each other. Loads of new friendships have been forming and it their smiles are contagious.

 The first week of Kindergarten brings out many emotions and one of those is: EXHAUSTION!! I have been asked all day long: when are we going home? And I have been told: I'm tired. I have probably heard those statements two dozen times a day.. and this is NORMAL and this is GOOD!! We expect this to be a huge shift for many, away from their nap time, and into a classroom for the day! Please know that as the days and weeks go on, it gets easier and suddenly it's more like: WOW, that was a fast day! or Are you sure it's time to go already? We'll get there... it just takes time!

Thank you to everyone for your generosity in donating so many fabulous school supplies. Our stash has been restocked above and beyond what I have ever had in past years... you are AMAZING!! We use it all and need it all!

Typically our Friday Newsletter will have info about: Reader's Workshop, Writer's Workshop, Language Workshop, Math Workshop, Science and Social Studies. Right now we have been doing a bunch of get to know you activities, stories about going to school and our emotions, learning about teamwork and learning about sharing. Kindergarten is such a fun place! Workshops will begin in the next few weeks and I'll be telling you all about them as we launch!

A couple of important reminders:
1. Birthday Books - as soon as they are done, please send them in! I see many still in green folders and want to make sure everyone has one when their birthday's come around.
2. Favorite Books - please make sure to send in your child's bag of 5 favorite books so we can use them next week to launch our Reader's Workshop. Thank you to everyone who has done so already! You ROCK!

Tonight is the PTA sponsored Pizza Picnic out on the playground. While it's too late to order pizza, feel free to pack a picnic dinner and come join us on the playground! I would love to see you all there from 5-7pm.

Last but not least, our Kindergarten Curriculum Night is on Wednesday, September 14th beginning at 6:30pm in the old gym/cafeteria. Please come with out your child and learn all about the wonders of Kindergarten! We will be doing several important things in the classroom as well, so I do request that everyone attend!

Here's a few fun shots from our first week in Kindergarten... Happy Friday! :-) Mrs. Weckstein