Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday, March 25th

I’m telling you, the weeks in Room 301 just keep getting better and BETTER! What a fun week this has been in Kindergarten! It was great for me to be back on Monday after two days out and hear ALL about the leprechauns that continued to bother our classroom last week! By Wednesday, all of the hype was over our night out at the Rolladium! You can check out just a few of the fun photos from our night. If you weren't able to make it, have no fear, I'll be going back again soon and be sure to let you know when! Come Thursday we got to celebrate Mrs. Weckstein’s 29th birthday with LOADS of ice cream and toppings brought by Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Weckstein’s Mom! We also got to welcome a new addition to our Room 301 extended family! A HUGE congratulations to Kelsey, and her parents Joanna and Raul, and her sister Ariel (4th grade) on the birth of baby Ava Acosta! We cannot wait to meet this little bundle and were VERY excited to see her picture on Thursday!

Language Arts

Reading groups continued to meet this week, all FIVE days! A big thank you to everyone who has returned their book bag for the scheduled day as this helps to keep our groups moving and progressing! I will be doing informal reading assessments next week (and even did a few this week) to see the growth that our students are making. There may also be a few switches in reading groups to best fit the needs of each child. In Writer’s Workshop this week we moved into our Poetry Unit. The kids are now POETS! We have talked about different poems and we have learned about using a Writer’s Craft called “repeating lines” when we write our poetry. Our book kit also arrived on Thursday, so we’ll be working to publish our own book in the next coming days! Look for info to come home with your child on ordering this neat keepsake!


This week in math we have done a few different things! We learned how to play “Top-It” with number cards. This game is similar to the game of “War” as we compare numbers to see which numbers are bigger or smaller. We also spent time working with base-10 blocks on the Smartboard, learning to count with the hundreds, tens and ones. Did I mention they also counted to 29 about 8 times on Thursday?
Important Info

Just a HUGE reminder that next Friday, April 1st is our book character day! Your child will need to be dressed up as a character from their story as well as bring any props and the book that they will need to school. We will do a parade to other classrooms on Friday, be here by 3:00pm to catch all of the excitement!

FIELD TRIP! We are going on our first Field Trip on Wednesday, April 27th and will be departing Dublin at 10:15am. We’d love to have parent chaperones come with us on the bus as well. We will be doing our field trip wit Mrs. LaBlanc’s Kindergarten class. Please make sure to return your child’s permission slip and $10 as soon as possible!

Snack Leaders: Monday: Kelsey; Tuesday: Narek; Wednesday: Kaylee; Thursday: Mason; Friday: EAT THE LEFTOVERS! (We have a TON of extra snacks and will be having a large buffet on Friday to dwindle down our supply!)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday, March 18th

Greetings from Cobo Hall! I am currently at the MACUL (Michigan Association for Computer User and Learners) Conference and have been learning all sorts of neat technology tricks to use with our kids. In fact, I just sat in a session all about using iPod Touches in a 1st Grade Classroom, and I'm convinced that if they can do it, we can do it!

This week has been one of the best in 301! Those pesky leprechauns drove us BONKERS! From dumping our crayons and books to leaving us gold coins and cupcakes, they have kept us on alert. On Wednesday the kids built leprechaun traps for over 90 minutes. They were so excited and did such a fabulous job with this hands-on learning experience. I never heard a tattle, no complaints, no pins moved, EVERYONE was excited and engaged!! I think if I would have let them, they would have kept building all day long. Be sure to check back with the blog this weekend for a slide-show movie that will let you look into our St. Patrick's Day Week!

A special thank you to our parent volunteers that helped out Thursday and Friday in my absence: Joyce McCulloch, Wendy Betz, Angie Meloche, Kate Michalko and Todd Gilliam! It is amazing how much we are able to do in our room with the help of everyone! :-)

Important Info-
 Make sure you have read the blog posted two weeks ago about our BOOK CHARACTER DRESS UP DAY on Friday, April 1st. The kids will need to be in costume dressed as their favorite book character with their book in hand. If you need to borrow a book from the room or Dublin library, please let me know ASAP.

Next Week's Snack Leaders include:
Monday: Thomas; Tuesday: Lily; Wednesday: Benjamin; Thursday: Kasey; Friday: Matthew

I look forward to seeing everyone back at Dublin on Monday! Have a fantastic weekend! :-) Jen

P.S. Be sure to watch our thank you letter below to the Foundation For Excellence!

Our Foundation For Excellence Thank You Letter

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday, March 11th

It’s been another awesome week in Room 301! We are in the midst of many different projects and there is a noticeable buzz every time “Book Publishing” or “Gardening” is mentioned.

Language Arts
In Reader’s Workshop this week we added a new book to our list of little books, one centering around Dalmatians after our 101 day celebration. Reading Groups met Monday-Thursday… Mrs. Weckstein was home sick on Friday (an honest bummer for me). Thank you to everyone who is returning their Guided Reading books in a timely manner – it has helped our groups to meet and move very smoothly. I am very excited to see such energy and enthusiasm surrounding our abilities to read different books.

In Writer’s Workshop we chose one of our Small Moment pieces to publish this week! Each child was given their own book to write and illustrate their favorite story in and then share. Please look for these to come home at the beginning of next week with an attached note. We spent a great deal of time on these books and the kids are VERY excited to read them to our class before they bring them home to share with their families.

We also spent time this week writing to a topic. While it may seem like a LONG, LONG, LONG way off, there will come a day when this group of kids will take the MEAP tests (3rd grade really is still a long way away) and on the test they will need to be able to write to a topic. Building wide we hold “Topic Tuesday’s” once a month and this month the topic was kindness. We spent a great deal of time talking first about kindness and read the book, The Splendid Friend Indeed. We used this Mentor Text to brainstorm ways people have been kind to us. Then each child was given a paper with a square for an illustration to illustrate a time someone was kind to them and then they had to write a couple of sentences. I was VERY impressed with how well our writers’ did on this task for their first attempt!

Our Word Study this week has been HUGE in connecting our Reading and Writing together. We have spent time breaking words into onsets and rimes.  Onsets are the beginning sounds and rimes are the ending sounds. For instance, if the word was “brown” we would say the onset was “br-“ and the rime was “-own”. By breaking words apart this way we are helping ourselves to write the sound we hear in words more accurately as well as teaching us ways to break tricky words apart when we are reading and come across an unfamiliar word. I will be sending out a “sight words” list next week that will give you more words you can practice at home that we have been using in many different ways at school.

This week in Math we did a few different things! We practiced counting by ones, fives and tens by using our hands (THANK YOU for your speedy response in returning the homework) and then we practiced counting using base-ten blocks.  Additionally one of our stations this week was a math game where students had to use a spinner to spin a number ranging from 11-20. Students then had to use different counters to make the number on a ten frame. This helped to reinforce the concept that any number in the teens is simply 10 +  ___ .

Social Studies
This week in Social Studies we talked about the differences amongst people (physical characteristics, cultural backgrounds and even ages). The Weckies were partnered up randomly and had to complete an interview with each other comparing: eye color, height, favorite food, favorite holiday, length of hair, hair color, boy/girl and more! It was fun for the kids to share their findings with the whole group and see that we are alike in many ways and also very different in many ways. We talked about why it is good to be different!

AND… this week in Science we became gardeners! After spending time with a poem that describes “sowing seeds” we planted our own seeds. Each child had the chance at stations this week to plant their own flowers – daisies or lavender. Please keep your fingers crossed that they grow! (wink wink)

Important Upcoming Info…
Next week brings an exciting week upon Dublin Elementary with the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day! Starting today, leprechauns visited Room 301 and left a gold coin in your child’s book drawer J! Over the course of next week the leprechauns will play tricks on us and of course, leave us fun treats. Feel free to play along at home, the kids are really excited and curious about these new visitors. On Thursday, March 17th there will be a school-wide “Wear Green” motto sponsored by Dublin’s Student Council. If you are able to donate a quarter to wear green, the kids of Student Council with Mrs. Entwistle (our Media Specialist) are collecting money to help buy a brick and donate to the Foster Farm House ( in Walled Lake.

Additionally, next week I will be out of school on Thursday and Friday. I was fortunate to participate in a program called MI-Champions this year and the lessons that I developed for our Morning Calendar Routine on the Smart Board were actually part of this program. As a result of my participation, we are required to attend the MACUL (Technology Conference) Conference on the 17th and 18th at Cobo Hall. I am thrilled for this opportunity to learn more from the classes about incorporating technology into our classroom. I am heavy-hearted to be missing one of the most FUN days at Dublin (St. Patrick’s Day). To guarantee a FANTASTIC day in 301, Jill Jones, retired Dublin teacher extraordinaire, will be our Guest Teacher both days. I will leave detailed plans for more surprises from the leprechauns and other fun St. Patrick’s Day festivities!

Have a fantastic weekend and give your little Weckie a big hug from me!  :-) Mrs. Weckstein

Next Week's Snack Leaders are: Monday: Hannah; Tuesday: Robby; Wednesday: Nick; Thursday: Carly; Friday: Ava :-)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Friday, March 4th!

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We’ve made it to 102 days of Kindergarten!!! It was hard to believe this week that we met with the future Kindergarten parents (Tuesday night was Kindergarten Orientation) while Wednesday and Thursday we celebrated 100 and 101 days of Kindergarten! This was a fantastic week to be a part of Room 301.

On Monday we got back into the routine of being at school and in Kindergarten! (This took us a few reminders). On Wednesday we welcomed two VERY special guests to our classroom Sandy Richards George, Executive Director of the Foundation for Excellence, came to see how the $3750 in grant money has been used with the SmartBoard and related accessories! This was a pretty powerful morning for Sandy as well as for our Kinderkids. Sandy was able to see our morning routine (calendar, checking the weather, making patterns, counting the days with base-10 blocks and even how we can read books on the Smartboard) and watch how independent the kids are when working on the board in different parts of the day. Nathan Hartwick, district Videographer, was also present capturing every moment on film to show WL District parents and donors. To say thank you, we made a short video that I am working to get on the blog for you to see. This video will be featured on the Foundation for Excellence’s Webpage in the next few weeks! Talking with Sandy and showing her how much we love our Smartboard it became increasingly evident how dedicated Sandy and the Board of Trustees for the FFE are in getting technology into our classrooms. Let’s face it, the district is looking at a possible budget cut next year of over $20 million dollars. In a time where our state is not stable, it is pretty unique and special to have a foundation in the district that is able to help support our students. If you would like to help support the FFE please let me know or visit

Once our FFE visitors departed we had an active day celebrating 100 days of school with a snack that was made up of five different foods, counted by your child up to 100 pieces. We read stories like The 100th Day Worries and we counted up to 100 multiple times! Wednesday was also Dr. Seuss’ birthday and we celebrated this by reading lots of Seuss books, writing about our favorite book and telling why in stations. Several of our Workstations this week were centered around Dr. Seuss or the 100th Day of School.

On Thursday this week we celebrated the 101th day with a celebration in the Old Gym. You can click on the photo scrapbook above to see everyone in their “puppy” outfits, handmade by your very own child, I mean puppy dog! We had all sorts of stations ranging from crafts, to math, to reading, to snacks and games. A special thank you to all of the parents that helped to prepare the stations as well as work the stations on Thursday. A special thank you to parents who sent in donations of snacks, juiceboxes or in the case of Carly’s Mom, about 1000+ spots for the kids to put on their clothes (all four classes)!

Friday was a “normal” day in Room 301! Reading groups resumed, stations were explored and we looked back fondly at all of the fun we had this week!

Next Week’s Snack Leaders Include:

Monday: Nolan; Tuesday: Skylar; Wednesday: Geneva; Thursday: Gabby; Friday: Emma

Important Upcoming Date….

Way down the road, on Friday, April 1st we will be celebrating the month of March as March is Reading Month. A traditional part of this day is having your child dress up as their favorite book character and bringing the book to school. For instance, if you child LOVES Clifford books, you’ll want to send them to school dressed as “Clifford the Big Red Dog”. We will be sending home more information in the next few weeks but I wanted to give you a head’s up now so that you could start planning your child’s costume!