Friday, September 17, 2021

Friday, September 17th

 Hello Weckie Families!

Wow, what an incredible first couple of weeks of school we have been having together! I am loving my time with this group of students. They are picking up on classroom routines nicely, learning to work with new friends and new learning styles and just seem super happy to be here each day! Could I be any more lucky? Every couple of weeks I will post a Blog about our learning and successes in second grade... away we go!

Phonics Workshop:

In our phonics study, we have taken a step back and begun our year with the final unit of phonics from first grade (as this was not covered last year). We have been doing all sorts of work as "Word Builders" learning about vowel teams in words. We have studied the: "ee", "ea", "ai", "ou" and "ow" vowel patterns in words. We are slowly creating a vowel team chart to keep in our Writers' Workshop folders to help us when writing and reading with these vowel teams. You'll notice periodically your child will bring home a baggie of word cards. Often times these go along with a game we played in class. Be sure to ask them about the game and play the game with them to increase their familiarity with these words! We also sent home a list of First Grade SNAP words that we will be working with for a few more weeks. These are great to use at home to dig deeper with your child's recognition of familiar words.

Readers' Workshop:

In Readers' Workshop we are working on strategies for growing as readers! In Second Grade our first unit is all about how "Second Grade Readers Grow like a Beanstalk". After learning some routines for reading in our classroom we began talking about: How to read a book (i.e. if it's a scary book your voice might sound spooky, whereas if it is a book with a kid talking, you want to sound like a kid talking, not like you are reading word-by-word). Next we spent some time talking about sneak peeks and what a reader can do when approaching a new book to get a feel for the book before they start reading. We have talked about our reading stamina and how it takes practice to be able to read independently for 20 minutes! We have also begun working with partners and begun to learn how to share responsibilities during partner reading time. 

Writers' Workshop

In Writers' Workshop we have begun working on our first small moment narrative piece. This is a writing where the kids are telling about a time they did something (i.e. a time they lost their first tooth, their 6th birthday party, a scary ride at an amusement park that they rode, etc.).

We have spent time planning what we would write across several pages of a book, then we took time to add thoughts and feelings onto our writing and last we looked at a mentor text to see how the pictures in a story need to match the words on the page. Students were then sent off to illustrate their story and to make their illustrations tell their story!

Math Workshop

In Math we have been focusing in on patterns with numbers - skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s. We have spent time looking at hundreds grids and finding patterns on the grids such as an entire column having the same number in the ones place, or how when you go across on an number grid you add one, but when you go down on number grid you add ten! We have worked with our basic addition facts and we have also learned some new games using math! Look for the first set of Homelinks to come home next week with your child. Remember, while these are not mandatory, they are a REALLY great way to review the math work we have done in class and help your child with any skills they may still find tricky from the work we did that day in class.

Social Studies

Our first unit in Social Studies is all about "My Community". We read a book called On the Town and spent time talking about all of the important places in a community and all of the important people who work and live in a community. Students worked on their own small community mini-books to focus in on their home, their neighborhood and places they like to go in their community.

Important Dates/Reminders:

  • Monday, September 20th is Picture Day @ Dublin - We take our pics at 10:35am
  • Please remember to sign up for the Dublin PTA. They go above and beyond to help us with funding in our classroom and for field trips. The link is here and it's really simple to do... Meetings are optional, but your $10 contribution helps keep them going!
  • Tuesday, September 28th - Half Day of School - Dismissal will begin around 12:10pm
  • FAPES Schedule was emailed earlier this week (Monday: 9:15 Music, 9:45 PE; Tuesday: 2:45 Music, Wednesday: 2:45 PE, 3:15 Media; Thursday: 10:30 PE, Block Recess 2-3; Friday: Art 10:15)
  • Please sign up for our REMIND app so you can keep up with the latest news from our classroom