Thursday, March 3, 2016

March 4, 2016

Happy Friday Weckie Families!

What a fun and busy last few weeks we have been having in Kindergarten!! We celebrated the 100th day of school, we completed the igloo building, we celebrated like 102 Dalmatians and we even kicked of March is Reading Month with Green Eggs and Ham for breakfast in honor of Dr. Seuss and his birthday!! Phew!  Please be sure to follow us on Twitter to see pics along the way!! Our user name is @WeAreTheWeckies .

Reader's Workshop
In Workshop we have been busy!! We have continued to add on new sight words to our list. The list now includes the following words: a, am, are, be, by can, go, have, I, in, is, it, like, me, not, of, on, see, to, the, you. Please make sure to continue to review these words with your reader at home. We have spent time in Mini-Lessons learning to look for patterns in sentences, learning to look for sight words and then we have started building our strategies for tricky words!  We are learning to break words apart into a beginning, middle and ending sound before we put them all together. It ties in beautifully with what we are learning to do in Writer's Workshop!

Please see the Dublin Times for info on the March is Reading Month incentive program Dublin is participating in with the SkyZone locations around Metro Detroit. For five books read with your child in the month of March, you simply need to print and sign the form, return it to school, and your child will receive a voucher for a free 30 minute jump session!

Also, if you are interested in volunteering to be a Mystery Reader in March for our class, please email me ASAP! I'm gradually replying to emails and booking in the dates/times for this fun activity.

Writer's Workshop
In Writer's Workshop we have begun a new unit on "How-To's". The objective of this unit is to become a teacher and explain sequential steps for an activity. How to sharpen a pencil, how to clean a playroom, how to build a sandcastle, how to brush your teeth, etc. If you're ever looking for something for your child to write about in their home writing folder, a how-to would be perfect practice for them to tie in their writing in school to their writing at home! We are learning to use transition words like: first, then, next, last, second, third, etc. Then we add sequential illustrations to match each step of the directions.

Please make sure your child's writing folder is returned each week. Sadly I only receive about half of the folders back on Mondays and would like to see all participating in this extension activity!

Math Workshop
In Math Workshop we have been doing all sorts of things! We have been working with double-tens frames to help practice our "teens". We have been working on filling in hundreds grids that have some of the numbers there for us already and then completing them. We have been practicing counting by 2s, 5s and 10s. Also just this week we created a tally chart and bar graph of our favorite colors in Kindergarten. It was cool to see everyone work together to gather our data. Please make sure you are working on Unit 4 home links! I have had a few parents ask for prior unit homelinks and those will come home on Friday - I just needed to make new copies :-).

Upcoming Important Dates:
Monday, March 7: Book Fair Preview - no shopping (9:30am) and Spring Pictures (11am)
Tuesday, March 8: Book Fair Shopping (2:40-3:10pm)
Thursday, March 10: Dublin Family Literacy Night 6:30-8pm and Book Fair will be open throughout :-)