Monday, May 23, 2011

Friday, May 20th!

Happy Field Day!!
Room 301 had a fun-filled day out on the fields of Dublin today! We traveled to 12 different stations and tested our abilities to jump in potato sacks, kick soccer balls, throw frisbees, run through tires and more! A special thanks to everyone who came out to watch us shine.

This past week was a week filled with end of the year testing. At the beginning of the year we do pretty thorough assessments of many different language arts based skills (segmenting, blending, rhyming, reading fluency, comprehension, reflection, etc.) and once more at the end of the year we do the same assessments. It has been incredible to document the growth our kids have made this year and to show them the work they did in the beginning of the year compared to work that they did this past week! I will be providing you with results on your child's end of the year report card! As a result, we had Mrs. Jones in our room a couple of days and the kids were THRILLED!

Reader's Workshop
In Workshop this week we learned that there are two types of books we commonly read. We discussed the differences between fiction (pretend text) and non-fiction (informational text - real world). We brainstormed a list of characteristics of non-fiction text and learned to tell the difference between these two types of texts. In partnerships the kid spent time sorting the books in their book drawer and explaining how they knew if it was a fiction or non-fiction text.

Writer's Workshop
In Workshop this week our animal experts began writing their reports with the help of our fourth grade learning buddies! The kids were very eager to put down all of the facts that they have learned into words in their non-fiction books that they are writing. We worked on our dedicated page as well as the page about how our animal looks.

We will be having our "Down on the Farm" Writing Celebration on Tuesday, June 7th at 3pm in our classroom. It is important that every child have at least one person there to celebrate their work (if a parent can't come, perhaps an Aunt or Grandma are available)! We will be sharing all of the writing work we've done, a few songs/poems, have a treat and then watch a special surprise DVD to end the afternoon. An RSVP form will be coming home with your child to give me an approximate idea for the number of people we will be having on that Tuesday.

We continued working on number patterns this week! We have become very familiar with our number grid and have been looking at counting 2's, 5's and 10's on the grid. We also learned a new math game this week using two dice and counters. This game reinforced the concept of counting up when adding two numbers (i.e. if you rolled a 5 and a 2, you'd start at 5 and count up 2 to 7).

Important Info:
Friday, May 27th at 3pm is Dublin's Annual Patriotic Parade!! All families are invited to come sit outside and watch the kids parade around the fields/black top in their red, white and blue. There are a few things we'll need your help with on the 27th! Please make sure your child is wearing red, white and blue to school - feel free to deck them out in their best patriotic gear! Secondly, Kindergarten classes each pull a small float on their wagons. We need donations of red/white/blue tinsel, stars, streamers, etc. Anything you can find to help us decorate would be greatly appreciated! Please send it in ASAP!

Snack Leaders: Monday: Nick; Tuesday: Carly; Wednesday: Ava; Thursday: Thomas; Friday: Lily

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday, May 13th

Happy Friday 301 Families!
 It has been a fantastically busy week in Room 301! Thank you to everyone who sent in donations for our "Movie-PJ-Cupcake Decorating Party" today - it has been a BLAST!

Reader's Workshop
This week in Reader's Workshop reading groups met only at the beginning of the week. If you can believe it, it is already time for me to start doing "End of the Year Assessments" and I have spent time with the kids individually working on these assessments (letter ID, writing sight words, reading high frequency words, etc.) Meanwhile we have had Reader's Workshop every day this week and we have been working on finding words with the beginning sounds of either "sh", "qu" or "ch". We brainstormed giant lists of possible words after reading mentor texts that featured each of these spelling patterns. To remind ourselves of the "ch" sound we even had home-made chocolate chip cookies! Students also spent time in partnerships working on finding these words within their books.

Writer's Workshop
Thank you to everyone who has sent in farm animal facts for our reports! We spent time this week first creating a t-chart where the kids worked in their animal groups to generate a list of things they already know about their animal and a list of things they wonder about their animals. We want to activate their prior knowledge first so that we can add onto this knowledge easier with new information. Next week we will be taking all of our findings and putting them into words for our non-fiction books about the animals. Info will be coming out next week about a "Down on the Farm" day in 301 coming early in June where we will be celebrating all of our written work.

Numbers, numbers and more numbers! This week we spent a great deal of time working with the hundreds chart. We made a hundreds chart as a whole group and individually with the expectation of NO backwards numbers.... and everyone could actually do it!! :-) We spent time working with a hundreds chart on the Smartboard that can also show us patterns in counting. This week we worked on counting by 5s and counting by 2s. Both of these concepts are still tricky for many of our kids. Look for a packet coming home next week that will give you ways to practice and play with the number grids at home now and over the summer!

Important News:
Snack Leader:  Monday: Geneva; Tuesday: Gabby; Wednesday: Emma; Thursday: Hannah; Friday: Robby 

News from the WL Administration:
Town Hall Meeting on School Funding
It is a jointly sponsored event through the parent legislative action groups from Farmington, Northville, Novi, Plymouth-Canton, West Bloomfield, and Walled Lake
Monday, May 16, 2011
7 to 9 PM 
Walnut Creek Middle School
The parents have invited 12 Michigan House Representatives and Senators to their event.  The following agenda has been published -
  • Michigan General Fund and School Aid Fun Overview
  • Proposed K-12 Budget and Reform Legislation
  • Legislator Positions on Passed and Pending Bills
  • Public Questions
  • Public Comment
A perfect opportunity, close to home,  to speak to the people who are making decisions regarding YOUR FUTURE!!!!
Attention:  Neither Mike Kowall nor Eileen Kowall have agreed to attend the Forum!  Write or call them and tell them to attend!